P-05-576 Allow Children in Wales to Have a Family Holiday During Term Time, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 23.01.20


so more of the same old waffle, as I have pointed out on so many occasions that I've lost count now, the Education consortia, that the Welsh Assembly has decided to hand all it's educational powers over to, have in most cases removed the 'H' code that used to enable head teachers to authorise term time holidays. We want the 'H' code to be reinstated although how the Welsh Assembly will manage to do this when they've already asked for this to be done several years ago in response to this very petition and the consortia refused I am really not sure. I assume that the reason the Welsh health service is so poor is because they have also handed over their powers to heath boards, I wonder whether the Assembly has kept any of it's powers and find it hard to believe that they are constantly asking for more. This is such a simple matter and yet this is now the second term that this is being fought, I repeat, ALL WE WANT IS FOR THE 'H' CODE TO BE REINSTATED SO THAT HEAD TEACHERS CAN DO THEIR JOBS UNIMPEDED BY THE CONSORTIA! PREFERABLY BEFORE THE NEXT ROUND OF ELECTIONS BECAUSE I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO BE GOING THROUGH THIS WITH ANOTHER PETITIONS COMMITTEE! For God's sake show some back bone


Bethany Walpole-Wroe